Seaberry Spritz (International Women's Day Brew) (#18)

Pint (18oz) $6.99 | Pant Leg (12oz) - $5.50 | Fly (5oz) - $3.00 | Flight (4x 5oz) - $10.00

Brewed bright with an ocean’s amount of sea buckthorn berries, an orchard’s amount of oranges, and a New Year’s Eve party worth of champagne yeast. Bringing big time prosecco spritz and mimosa vibes, this beer will have you bucking into uncharted territory. First sip turns fast to first gulps as you get drawn into the glass, saying “Buckya” after every pint.

Conceived, crafted, and brewed by the women of Cold Garden and Vegan Street to celebrate International Women’s Day 2024. Proceeds from every pint go to support the Pink Boots Society which provides scholarships to women and non-binary individuals in the fermented/alcoholic beverage industry to advance their careers through education.

ABV 4.4% | IBU 19 | Vegan

Find this beer at the following locations:

  • Vegan Street Inglewood


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